February 16, 2021 // Genesis 2:18 // Made for Connection

Connections that Count | Ash Wednesday | February 17, 2021


Genesis 2:18 New Living Translation

Then the Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper who is just right for him.”


What role do your relationships play in your spiritual life? 
Are there relationships that are especially helpful to your spiritual well-being? How are they helpful?
Are there relationships that are not helpful? Why? Could they be improved? 


Draw a series of concentric squares, representing the design of the temple. (Holy of Holies in the middle, the Holy Place as the next square surrounding the Holy of Holies, the Inner Courts next, then the Outer Courts). In the Holy of Holies is your relationship with God. In the Holy Place write the names of your closest family and closest friends. In the Inner Court write the names of your close friends. In the outer court write the names of acquaintances you are trying to reach with the Lord’s love. Pray to the Lord about whether you are neglecting any of these important relationships. As the Lord brings someone to mind, schedule a conversation or activity to connect more deeply with this person. 


Lord, I thank you that I am not alone. Thank you for the relationships you have put in my life. I want to value them more intentionally so that we are “mutually encouraged by each other’s faith.” Lead me to those people you want me to thank, encourage and touch with your love. In the name of Jesus, who came to touch my life I pray. Amen.