
Deacons support the congregation’s ministries of compassion, witness, and service. They lead ministries that nurture fellowship and caregiving within and beyond the congregation. They provide service with a heart.

Here are the Deacons Ministry Teams . . .

  • Communications Provides updates to the Deacons and send out communications to congregation and community as needed
  • Communion Prepare, set up, serve, and clean up Communion
  • Community Pantry Provide food and paper goods to Trinity’s local community ministry partners
  • Congregational Life Church wide hospitality + develop and produce all church events, such as the All Church Picnic and Fall Festival
  • New Covenant Partners (New Members) Provide hospitality for the Explorations Class (new members class)
  • PrimeTimers Plan and produce a weekly meeting for Seniors 50+ which includes special speakers and lunch
  • Samaritan Care Center Focused on praying for the congregation and offering practical assistance
  • Deacon’s Assistance Provides confidential financial assistance to qualified applicants
  • Disabilities Serves the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of the disabled


Rev. Dr. Steven Miller

Associate Pastor of Care Ministries

Steve grew up in Palos Verdes in a church-going family. After coming to Christ in high school, Steve said yes to the Lord’s leading which took him to ministry in the Sierra mountains, New Jersey and the USSR. Steve graduated from Cal Poly Pomona with a B.S.; Princeton Seminary with an M.Div.; and Fuller Seminary with his D. Min. Steve is happily married to Mende and is excited about his two wonderful kids, Joshua and Hannah Rae, as they spring board from college at Whitworth. When not at church you can find Steve working in the garden, hiking in the hills, making something with wood, or watching soccer.