Belief & Denomination
We believe Jesus Christ is the way to the life that is life indeed, now and for all eternity.
We are a Gospel-Based Church.
We have Good News (that’s what “gospel” means) to share. The Bible tells us God created this world to take care of us, and designed us to take care of creation. But the goodness of creation and our harmony with God were damaged because of our self-centeredness. We rejected God to pursue our own interests and pleasures at the expense of others. But God didn’t give up on us. God loved the world and sent Jesus, who was truly God’s Son (fully divine), born as a human (fully human). Jesus showed us how to live and taught us God’s truth. Jesus took everything evil with him to death on the cross, and through his resurrection, he defeated the powers of death and evil. When we put our faith in Jesus Christ, we become children of God.
We are a Christ-Centered Church.
The Church (in all its faithful expressions and denominations) exists because Jesus created this community to worship God, to be instructed in God’s truth, to be supported in God’s family and to continue Jesus’ ministry of teaching and serving in this world. Jesus is the head of the Church. His love redeems us. His teaching transforms us. His power provides for us. His purpose leads us.
We are a Bible-Believing Church.
God has not left us to wander in the darkness of ignorance, confused by conflicting ideas nor blinded by the distortions and deceptions of human culture. God has given us his Word, the Scriptures of the Old and new Testaments as the revelation of the truth for our minds and as the guide for our living. The Scriptures tell God’s Story. We believe the Bible is totally true and the trustworthy revelation of God. It is the standard for Christian faith, for daily living, for gospel ministry, and for the pursuit of a just society.
We are a Disciple-Making Church.
Following Jesus is a way of life. God designed us to pass the baton of biblical understanding and living to others by sharing our lives. We are committed to both faithful doctrine (orthodoxy) and faithful living (orthopraxy). We invite everyone into a high relationship with the Lord and our fellowship. We also equip everyone for the high challenge of living for Jesus in our fellowship, in our homes, in the marketplace, community, and the world.
We are a World-Reaching Church.
The Church exists for those outside it. Through Jesus’ death on the cross and resurrection, God unleashed his power to make this world right in every way. At the end of time, all will be fully restored. Until then, Jesus’ followers are sent together as part of God’s continuing mission to show this world the truth, love, power and justice of God in Jesus Christ. We come together with our varied gifts and resources and scatter to show God’s love in practical ways. Our greatest purpose is to bring all people to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Want to dig deeper into what we believe?
Download and read through these resources.