Our History
Trinity's Story Begins
June 22, 1876
In 1878 our first sanctuary was built on the NW corner of 4th and Mortimer Streets and a year later the first minister to be called by the congregation was the Rev. T.J.C. Webster. At that time the population of Santa Ana was about 700.
Trinity's Story Begins
Trinity Joins the United Presbytery
In 1883 the session of our church was given the responsibility for organizing the First United Presbyterian Church of Los Angeles, with a charter membership of 14.
Trinity Joins the United Presbytery
Rev. Sampson Becomes the New Minister
Rev. W.L.C. Sampson became our minister in 1906 and during his pastorate we built a new sanctuary on the NW corner of 6th and Bush Streets.
Rev. Sampson Becomes the New Minister
1923 TO 1932
1923 TO 1932
From 1923 to 1932 Dr. W.H. McPeak was our pastor. During his term we accepted Fred and Daisy Russell as our representatives in the Foreign Mission Field, as agricultural missionaries in Ethiopia.
1923 TO 1932
The post-war growth continued during the pastorate of Dr. Harold E. Scott from 1953-1959. In 1956 we sponsored and helped finance the Berrydale United Presbyterian Church in Garden Grove.
Also in 1956 we began to feel crowded with no place to expand in the downtown location. The United Presbyterian church of North America had combined with the Presbyterian Church USA to form the present United Presbyterian denomination and in Santa Ana our church was only one block away from the First Presbyterian Church.
So in 1958 after long searching for a new location, we bought our present site of 9 (plus) acres for about $6400.00 per acre and one year later in 1959 our minister Rev. George A. Munzing arrived. Under his capable leadership the many problems connected with a building program were met and solved, with much credit going to committee Chairman Mark Sorrell, Ralph Keen and Bill Zaun.
The last service at 6th and Bush was held on November 4, 1962. Rev. Donn Moomaw was guest speaker. A week later on Armistice Sunday the services were held in our new chapel at Trinity with Rev. Munzing leading the praise and thanksgiving to God for his wonderful goodness in relocating us to this beautiful spot.
In 1967 our inspiring sanctuary building was completed. Our membership has grown to about 1500 with about the same number of young people and children attending Sunday school and youth programs.
Throughout its history Trinity has placed special emphasis on tithing, Mission study (at one time there were 5 missionary societies), a bible centered Sunday school, youth activities and fine music.

In November 2006, the Rev. Dr. Douglas J. Rumford was called to Trinity.
June 2022
June 6, 2022
Rev. Dr. Douglas J. Rumford retires after serving 16 years as Lead Pastor. He was given the honorary title of Pastor Emeritus.
June 2022

October 2022
October 23, 2022
By a unanimous congregation vote, Trinity welcomes Rev. Dr. Bryan Eckelmann as new Lead Pastor.
October 2022