Taking steps to become more like jesus

Our discipleship program invites you to deepen your roots in faith, drawing strength and nourishment from God and the community around you. As we walk with Jesus, we are called to support one another, creating a community that reflects the love and interconnectedness of God’s kingdom. In John 15:5, Jesus says, ” I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”

We invite you to navigate the School of Discipleship which provides small groups and Bible studies for you to participate in; along with workshop style classes on topics such as theology, leadership, parenting, marriage and even stepping into service. It all helps us live out our Trinity mission statement of being “living proof of a loving God”.

We encourage you to look through what is being offered and prayerfully consider where you’ll jump in.

What season are you in now?

What new step is God calling you to take?

Leadership Coaching Tools


Rev. Mike Kenyon

Associate Pastor of Discipleship & Community Outreach

Mike has a passion to help disciples of Jesus integrate the truth of God’s Word into their everyday lives.   He enjoys equipping people of all ages and cultural backgrounds, to experience a vibrant relationship with Jesus (grounded in prayer) and to help individuals share the good news of the gospel in whatever setting God calls them. Having grown up in poverty, Mike has a heart to empower people to understand the spiritual and physical needs of the poor; and thereby respond in Christian love and service.  Mike received his MDiv at Rockbridge Theological Seminary (having completed much of his course work at Fuller Theological Seminary).  He enjoys playing basketball, tennis, singing in choral groups and filmmaking.  Mike and his wife Allison have two children; Austin and Kylie.