Our Music Ministry seeks to lead the congregation in heartfelt worship through a wide variety of musical styles. We offer music groups for every age! We’re open to all. No audition required and there is no fee.
Vocal Choirs
Kindergarten - Adults
During the regular season, all choirs meet weekly for rehearsal and often sing in worship services. Choirs also offer various concerts, staged musicals and special seasonal music in worship. There is no fee to sing in choirs.
Choirs will begin meeting weekly beginning in September and again in January.
Chancel Choir helps lead the church in the sanctuary worship services most Sundays September through June. Using a broad range of musical styles, Chancel Choir is always in pursuit of excellence and creativity in heartfelt worship. Chancel Choir presents 2 major concerts a year.
Rehearses Thursdays | 7-9PM
High School & College
Chapel Choir is a place for those in high school and college to express their faith through music. Choir members will sing in worship and participate in various events throughout the season.
Rehearses Sundays | 1:30-3PM
Middle School
Crusader Choir offers an opportunity for students to learn to sing, read music and worship God. They prepare anthems to sing in the worship services periodically during the year, participate in the yearly Christmas concert and present a fully-staged spring musical.
Rehearses Wednesdays | 5-6PM
K-5th Grade
Children in these graded choirs work on developing fundamental singing and musical skills, have fun with rhythm and movement, and are introduced to a variety of instruments. They prepare anthems to sing in worship and participate in the yearly Christmas concert. Grade 4/5 choir presents a fully-staged musical.
Rehearse Wednesdays | 4–4:55PM
Handbell Choirs
Grade 6 - Adults
During the regular season, all handbell choirs meet weekly for rehearsal and play often in worship services. Handbell groups also participate in seasonal concerts, community events, and tours.
Handbell choirs will begin meeting weekly beginning in September and January.
College & Adults (Advanced)
Chancel Bell Choir
Rehearses Mondays (beginning Jan 11) | 7 -8:30PM
High School & College (Intermediate)
Chapel Bell Choir
Rehearses Mondays (beginning Jan 11) | 5:30-7PM
Crusader Bell Choir
Rehearses Wednesdays (beginning Jan 11) | 3:45-5PM
There are opportunities for instrumentalists in worship services, programs and concerts. Whether flute or horn, drum or guitar, violin or banjo, instrumentalists have opportunities to play throughout the year.
Those interested in movement and dance can use their talents to enrich special services, musical and other programs.
Drama sketches, staged musicals and seasonal programs can provide opportunities for those gifted in dramatic arts.
Want to serve in the Worship & Music Ministry?
Dr. Steve Kim
Steve has a passion for activating people to become skilled musicians and true worshipers! He loves to study the scriptures in the original languages. His doctoral work and lifelong mission are in the music of J.S. Bach but he also writes K-pop, jazz, and orchestral scores. He’s taught 20 years of music in the K-12 classrooms and universities and is a big foodie. An avid athlete, you can find him playing tennis, golf, pickleball, soccer, basketball, and racquetball. Check out new worship songs and hymn improvisations on social media @kieunstevekim.