Pastors & Staff


Lead Pastor

Bryan was found by Christ at an early age, but God’s call to ministry came in college. Passionate about inviting and encouraging people to walk with Christ, Bryan served congregations for over 30 years before joining Trinity this year. Thrilled to teach and preach at almost any time or occasion, he also loves writing, shaping worship experiences, and meeting new people. 

Bryan and his wife, Timberly, have two children – Bryan J and his wife live in San Antonio, TX with their six-year-old daughter who wants to be a princess and President of the United States. Along with a new grandson, Susi and her husband, Randy, live in Los Angeles (just close enough to be routinely bothered by their parents!). 

When Bryan’s not at church or learning something new, photography, golf, cooking, cycling, and taking long walks with Timberly fill Bryan’s time. He also loves to sing, play guitar and piano, and occasionally compose or arrange music.


Rev. Mike Kenyon

Associate Pastor of Discipleship & Community Outreach

Mike has a passion to help disciples of Jesus integrate the truth of God’s Word into their everyday lives.   He enjoys equipping people of all ages and cultural backgrounds, to experience a vibrant relationship with Jesus (grounded in prayer) and to help individuals share the good news of the gospel in whatever setting God calls them. Having grown up in poverty, Mike has a heart to empower people to understand the spiritual and physical needs of the poor; and thereby respond in Christian love and service.  Mike received his MDiv at Rockbridge Theological Seminary (having completed much of his course work at Fuller Theological Seminary).  He enjoys playing basketball, tennis, singing in choral groups and filmmaking.  Mike and his wife Allison have two children; Austin and Kylie.

Rev. Glyn Norman

Associate Pastor of Strategic Ministry & Mission

Glyn came to Christ at age 20, after being invited to church by a friend from his table-tennis club. After completing seminary In London, Glyn led a church planting team with Operation Mobilization in Berlin, Germany, and then worked briefly for the British Government before moving to California to help with a church plant designed to reach Generation X. He met his wife Cathleen at that church in Fullerton, and they have two children, Landon and Cicely. Their household is rounded out by one dog, two tortoises and two blue-tongue skinks. When not at church, Glyn enjoys reading, movies, computer games, table-tennis and watching English Premier League soccer.

Rev. Dr. Steven Miller

Associate Pastor of Care Ministries

Steve grew up in Palos Verdes in a church-going family. After coming to Christ in high school, Steve said yes to the Lord’s leading which took him to ministry in the Sierra mountains, New Jersey and the USSR. Steve graduated from Cal Poly Pomona with a B.S.; Princeton Seminary with an M.Div.; and Fuller Seminary with his D. Min. Steve is happily married to Mende and is excited about his two wonderful kids, Joshua and Hannah Rae, as they spring board from college at Whitworth. When not at church you can find Steve working in the garden, hiking in the hills, making something with wood, or watching soccer.

Rev. Jeff Wagner

Associate Pastor of Student & Family Ministries

Jeff has a passion for seeing all ages come to know Christ and continue to grow in faith. He enjoys helping the church to think creatively and strategically in how to carry out the mission of the gospel in our families, community and world. Jeff received his MDIV from Fuller Theological Seminary and earned degrees in Business and Economics and Religious Studies from Westmont College. Jeff and his wife Niki have two nearly grown kids. Jeff likes to spend time leading adventures for various groups, backpacking and playing games with the family.



Adult MinistrY

Student & Family

Niya Esperanza
High School Ministry Coordinator

Worship & Music

Missional Engagement

Care & Prayer

Sports Ministry

Communications & Media

Operations & Facilities