Developing a healthy walk with God doesn’t just happen. Just as physical fitness requires a healthy diet and exercise, spiritual health depends upon food from God’s Word & opportunities to stretch and grow and serve. Adult Discipleship at Trinity includes a wide variety of opportunities for learning & spiritual growth. There’s something for everyone, at every stage of life.
Women’s Ministry seeks to provide women the opportunity to grow in their faith in Christ, connect with one another, and serve with joy. There are several ways to hop onto the path here at Trinity. There are weekly Bible Studies, MOMCo (formally known as MOPS), and Small Groups, along with several other events throughout the year.
women in the word
Interested in diving deeper into God’s Word and developing a closer relationship with Him? You’re invited to a time of Bible teaching, small group discussion, fellowship and quiet time with the Lord.
soul work wednesdays
A time for women in all stages of life to gather, grow in their faith, and live out their God-given calling. We meet for fellowship and then breakout studies.
MOMCo we believe in the simple but revolutionary idea that remarkable things happen when moms come together. So, whether you are a soon-to-be mom, first-time mom or seventh-time mom, an adoptive mom, young mom, seasoned mom, foster mom, stepmom or any other type of mom, you are welcome here.
Small Groups
God has designed us to do life in community, and our small groups are a great way to experience this by growing together. We have groups of all kinds and sizes, meeting throughout the week.